ToneClone transformers are exact genetic duplicates from these sought-after amps. Many came from amps owned by your favorite players. The same amps that were used to record some of the greatest electric guitar songs we’ve known.
Axiom series transformers are in a class by themselves. We’ve taken our advanced knowledge of modern transformer designs and mated it with our unparalleled expertise with vintage gear. The result is next-generation transformers that’ll blow your mind!
The legacy continues by our making available the original Marshall- and VOX-style Radiospares (AKA “RS”) transformer designs — some of the most unique and highest quality transformers ever made.
Mercury continues the tradition of the company that pioneered audio transformers in the U.K. Perhaps best known for their role in vintage Hiwatt amps, Partridge remains amongst the most preferred transformers from British amps of that era.
The newest family of transformer designs from Mercury. APS transformers are built and specifically optimized for today’s amps and today’s tubes.
As you would expect, Mercury also produces high-end transformers for hi-fi. Whether you are building, restoring or repairing you’ll want to talk to us about obtaining the best possible sound-quality and performance from your system.
Mercury brands marked with Plus+™ logo are cloned transformers with minor additions. You’ll only see the Plus+ logo on our ToneClone, Partridge and Radiospares catalog listings.
Is the transformer of your prized vintage amp dying or no longer working? Do you have an original vintage transformer that is losing its tonality? Mercury will restore it to its original condition for you.
Is the transformer of your prized vintage amp dying or no longer working? Do you have an original vintage transformer that is losing its tonality? Mercury will restore it to its original condition for you.
FatStack™ transformers are custom-designed Mercury Magnetics transformers that have extra steel laminations. Our SuperStack™ transformers are similar but are built higher to accommodate smaller mounting footprints.